Can I Claim After I Slipped at Work?
This is a guide to the action you should take if you’ve slipped at work. Has your employer’s negligence caused an accident resulting in you sustaining physical or psychological injuries? You could be entitled to claim compensation. Under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 (HASAWA) it is the duty of employers to take reasonably […]
Examples Of Accidents At Work And How To Claim
By looking at accident at work examples, the aim of this guide is to give you the information and resources you might need if you’re deciding to make a claim for compensation. In addition to this, we look at how to report an accident at work and what supporting evidence any claim for compensation you […]
How Much Compensation for Slipping on Wet Floor?
If you are looking to make a slip, trip and fall claim because you have slipped on a wet floor and injured yourself, this guide could help. To make a personal injury claim, you have to be able to prove the harm you sustained was caused by a third party’s negligence. Negligence involves someone breaching the duty of […]