How Long Does A No Win No Fee Case Take?

If you are recovering from an accident, one of the questions at the top of your list is bound to be how long does a personal injury claim take to settle and how quickly can you receive compensation. Legal action can seem very daunting, particularly if you are also trying to recover from injuries sustained […]
No Win No Fee Dangers: Is It Worth It?

It’s tempting when you see all the glossy advertising from personal injury lawyers to think about making a claim for your accident or maybe seeking advice on a medical negligence incident that’s happened to you. Personal injury cases are big business for law firms, but surely there’s no such thing as free legal advice? Does […]
A Straightforward Guide: How Does No Win No Fee Work & What Percentage Do Solicitors Take
Who hasn’t heard of no win no fee personal injury claims? A quick internet search brings up pages of personal injury lawyers, all offering to progress personal injury claims with seemingly no financial risk. However, it is hard to believe that specialist personal injury solicitors are prepared to take on what are often complex personal […]