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In this guide, we will explore different types of road traffic accidents you could claim for. You may be able to seek compensation for the harm you sustained in an accident caused by another road user’s negligence.

This guide will provide examples of the different ways a road traffic accident could occur and the harm you could sustain. Additionally, we will explore what you could receive in your settlement, should your road traffic accident claim succeed.

If you’re unsure about the steps you could take to make a claim, our guide could help. We’ll look at the evidence you could gather to strengthen your case and how seeking legal advice could be beneficial.

Although we have aimed to cover the information you need, we understand you may still have questions. If so, please get in touch by:

Could I Claim Compensation For Road Traffic Accidents?

All road users have a duty of care to do everything they reasonably can to prevent one another from experiencing harm. The Highway Code sets out the responsibilities all users of the road, including drivers, cyclists and pedestrians have. 

If another road user has failed to uphold the responsibilities they have, causing you harm, you may be able to claim. To make a claim for road traffic accidents, you need to establish that someone else was negligent for the harm you were caused.

To find out whether you’re eligible to claim after road traffic accidents caused you harm, call our team.

Statistics For Road Traffic Accidents

According to the Reported Road Casualties In Great Britain Provisional Estimates, in 2023, there were:

These statistics give us an insight into the frequency with which road traffic accidents occur.

Examples Of Road Accidents

There are a number of contributory factors to road traffic accidents, including:

However, it may not always be possible to claim compensation for a road traffic accident. You must be able to prove that someone’s negligence caused you to sustain harm. For instance:

If you have experienced a similar form of negligence, get in touch with our team on the number above.

How Could I Make A Claim After Sustaining A Road Traffic Injury? 

There are several steps you could take to claim compensation following road traffic accidents. For instance, you could gather evidence such as: 

Additionally, you could hire a personal injury solicitor to help you through the claims process. A solicitor from our panel could help you gather evidence to support your case and help you take steps to get the compensation you deserve.

They could also organise an independent medical appointment for you to attend. During this appointment, a medical professional can assess the full extent of the harm you sustained and how badly it’s impacted you. The report they produce can be used as evidence to support your case. It can also be used by legal professionals to help them when calculating the value of your claim.

Estimating Compensation For Road Traffic Accidents

Each settlement following successful road traffic accidents claims may comprise general and special damages which take into account the different ways in which your injuries have impacted you. General damages account for the pain and suffering you have experienced as a result of your injuries.

When valuing the general damages head of claim, the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG) can help. This contains bracket compensation amounts that correspond to different injuries. Solicitors can use these to help them value claims in conjunction with medical evidence. 

We have used figures from the edition of the JCG that was published in April 2022. These are not necessarily reflective of what you will receive though so you should only use them as a guide.

Neck Injuries: Severe (a) (ii)£65,740 to £130,930Neck injuries that often involve fractures of a serious nature or disc damage in the cervical spine.
Brain Damage: Very Severe (a)£282,010 to £403,990This bracket includes quadriplegic cerebral palsy that causes severe cognitive and physical disabilities.
General Psychiatric Damage: (c) Moderate£5,860 to £19,070The person will show a significant improvement and will have a good prognosis.
Eye Injuries: Minor (h)£3,950 to £8,730Minor eye injuries such as where the person has been struck in the eye or exposed to fumes.
Back Injuries: Severe (a) (ii)£74,160 to £88,430Injuries in this bracket will have special features, such as damage to the nerve roots causing several issues.
Deafness/ Tinnitus (c)£31,310 to £45,540Where hearing has been totally lost in one ear.
Chest Injuries: (d)£12,590 to £17,960A simple injury that causes permanent tissue damage but no significant impact on lung function.
Shoulder Injuries: Severe (a)£19,200 to £48,030Injuries associated with damage to the neck and brachial plexus.
Arm Injuries: Less severe (c)£19,200 to £39,170The person will have experienced a significant disability but will have made a substantial recovery.
Elbow Injuries: Less severe (b)£15,650 to £32,010The person will have experienced a significant impairment on function but there will be no major surgery required.

Special damages is used to refer to any financial losses that may have incurred due to your injury. These might include:

Evidence will be needed to prove losses and costs that you’re claiming for. 

If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to contact us on the number above.

Can I Appoint A No Win No Fee Lawyer?

 A No Win No Fee agreement allows you to access the services of a lawyer without paying any upfront fees. Our panel of solicitors offers to represent claims under a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA) which is a type of No Win No Fee service. 

As per the CFA, you pay a success fee if your claim is successful. This is subject to a legal cap. Also, if your claim fails, the success fee won’t be charged. 

To find out whether you’re eligible to work with a road traffic accident solicitor from our panel, call our team. An advisor can assess whether your claim is valid and if it has a chance of succeeding. If it is eligible, they could assign a solicitor from our panel to represent your claim.

Find out more by getting in touch on the details below.

Contact Us To Make A Road Traffic Accident Claim

We hope this guide on road traffic accidents has provided you with the information you need. However, we understand that you may have additional questions. If so, you can get in touch with our team.

An advisor can provide further clarification on anything of which you’re unsure. You can get in touch by:

Find Out More About Road Traffic Accidents

Below, we have provided some additional external resources that you may find beneficial. We have also added some of our other guides that could help.

We hope you have found this guide on road traffic accidents helpful. However, if you need any additional information, please get in touch using the number above.