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Personal Injury Claims

No-win, No-fee claims

If you’ve been injured in an accident that occurred because someone who had a duty of care towards you breached this duty, you may be able to claim compensation for your suffering.

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No Win No Fee Bicycle Accident Claims

100% No Win No Fee

Cycling accident claims are more common than most road users realise. Cyclists are more vulnerable than others who use the road, often having just a helmet for protection. As a result, bicycle accidents can cause serious injuries. If you’ve been involved in a cycling accident that wasn’t your fault, then you should consider making a cycling accident compensation claim today.

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A cycling accident claim can be made if you’ve been injured in a bicycle accident that was caused by somebody else’s negligence. How much compensation you could be entitled to will depend on the type of injuries suffered, their severity, and any additional financial losses (such as lost income or additional medical costs suffered as a result).

You can claim compensation if you’re injured in an accident that was caused by somebody else’s negligence – and this applies to cycling accidents, too. Given the nature of these accidents, you’re most likely to be injured on the road due to another road user’s reckless behaviour. You’ll need to prove that the road users involved owed you a duty of care and that the accident circumstances and subsequent injuries sustained were as a direct result of them breaching that duty of care. We’ll cover how later on this page.

At No Win No Fee Solicitors Co, we have dealt with plenty of cycle accident claims on a no win no fee basis, meaning there is absolutely no financial risk to you upfront. A bike accident can have devastating consequences and lead to serious injury. If you were involved in an accident that wasn’t your fault, then you should consider making a bicycle accident claim for compensation today.

a driver phoning emergency services after a fatal road traffic accident

What Type Of Cycling Injuries Can Be Claimed For?

We cover claims from cyclists who have suffered injuries in a variety of different places due to road traffic collisions – all of which vary from minor to very severe, depending on the nature of the claim.

To give you a better idea of what you can claim for, here are some examples of injuries we’ve helped get compensation for in the past:

  • head and brain injuries (ranging from severe injuries where mental capacity is affected, to less severe bangs and bruises)
  • soft tissue injuries
  • limb injuries (including broken bones, lacerations, sprains, and muscle injuries)
  • neck and back injuries
  • injuries affecting the senses (partial or full loss of hearing or sight)
  • and much more besides

More severe injuries will often see higher compensation amounts to better reflect the effect the serious accident has had on the claimant’s lives.

If you’ve seen all that you need to see, we ask

Why use us?

Free Consultation

We offer a free consultation to anyone looking to make a claim

No win, no fee

If your case or cases have no financial payout to you, you don’t pay a single penny

Claim experts

We use solicitors who have handled thousands of claims

Family on sofa

How Can No Win No Fee Solicitors Co Help Me?

We can check your eligibility for free today and provide expert legal advice and support when taking legal action against the party responsible for your injuries.

We’re specialist solicitors with experience supporting individuals with personal injury claims following a cycling accident. With decades of experience we understand the claims process inside and out and can help you recover the maximum possible compensation for your injuries and financial losses.

Throughout each stage of the case our expert claim handlers will ensure you know exactly what is happening and they’ll always operate with your best interests at heart.

If you’d like to make a cycling accident claim today, call us for free today, contact us, or start a live chat now.

What Is A Cycling Accident Claim?

Cycling accident claims fall under personal injury law. This means you’re entitled to make a claim for compensation where you’ve been involved in an accident that wasn’t your fault. A cycling accident can lead to a range of injuries from very serious to minor ones – all of which can and should be compensated.

In most cycling accident claims you’ll take legal action against the responsible party but they won’t have to pay compensation out of their own pocket. Instead, their insurance company will usually be responsible for paying the claim compensation amount. If the individual responsible for your injury was uninsured then you can still make a claim. We’ll cover how in a later FAQ.

Are Cycling Accidents Common?

According to the UK Government’s latest road traffic accident data for the 1-year period up to June 2023, there were 133,443 total road traffic collisions, 29,429 killed or seriously injured casualties, and 1,633 fatalities.

Of these, there are numbers relating specifically to bike accidents which will be important for you to know if you’re making a no win no fee cycling accident claim with us:

  • Of the total collisions on the road, 11% had cyclists involved for a total of 15,158 incidents
  • Of the total fatalities, 5% had cyclists involved for a total of 83 incidents


Road traffic accidents involving cyclists are relatively common, so don’t feel ashamed following an accident that wasn’t your fault. You’re entitled to claim for a cycling accident when you have been injured because of someone else’s negligence on the road.

If you’ve seen all that you need to see, we ask

Am I Eligible To Make A Bike Accident Claim?

In order to make a cycling accident claim you’ll need to prove three key things:

  1. You were owed a duty of care from the defendant
  2. The defendant breached that duty of care
  3. Because of that breach you sustained injuries (or had existing injuries or conditions made worse)


Satisfy these three conditions and you’ll usually be in a strong position to make a cycling accident claim for compensation.

Duty Of Care

One of the easiest things to prove in cases such as these is that you were owed a duty of care because no matter the cause of your cycling accident (provided it was partially or fully caused by another road user or poor road maintenance), you were owed a duty of care in the following ways:

  • all road users owe each other a duty of care under The Highway Code and the Road Traffic Act 1988
  • the Highways Act 1980 also ensures you’re protected if poor road conditions caused your accident as it makes clear that those responsible for the road must ensure it’s in a safe condition for all road users


Proving that the duty of care is easy enough, if you gather evidence that supports your claim that your accident was caused by somebody else’s negligence.

Collect evidence such as:

  • photographs of the scene as close to the date of the accident as possible
  • video footage from dashcams or CCTV that show how the accident happened
  • witness statement from those who saw the cause
  • police report detailing the key information at the time of the accident


This will usually help prove that a road user was using the road irresponsibly, or that the road condition was in a poor condition.


The very final thing you’ll need to prove is that the injuries you sustained were caused or made worse by the accident. This will be done by working with your medical team to access your medical records and the opinion of medical experts can be used to explain the likely cause of those injuries and if the accident played a significant part in that.

This medical evidence is vital in determining the value of your claim.

Bicycle Accident Claim Calculator

If you’ve had an accident that wasn’t your fault which resulted in an injury, then you might have a claim.

Compensation Bracket: 0.00

How Much Compensation Could I Receive?

Plenty of people ask about average payouts for cycling accident claims, but the truth is there aren’t any average payouts because each individual case is assessed based on the severity and nature of the injury and the impact those injuries have had on your life.

As this is obviously different for every accident, compensation amounts vary based on:

  • general damages: based on your injury type and severity
  • special damages: based on financial losses and the impact your injuries have had on your life


General Damages

The general damages you’ll receive for your injuries are slightly more standardised, because the cycling accident solicitors and judges responsible for your claim will use the Judicial College Guidelines (17th edition) to help inform them of the compensation brackets they ought to be considering. Exactly where that final compensation award will sit will depend on the circumstances of your accident and the nature of your claim and will be decided through negotiation with the defendant.

The calculator below has been created using the Judicial College Guidelines figures:


To illustrate what the calculator is based on, here are some examples of the guidance listed in the Judicial College Guidelines based on injuries we’ve seen from cycling accident claims in the past:

  • brain and head injury claims: should receive compensation between £2,690 (for minor injuries) up to £493,000 (for very severe injuries)
  • neck injuries: ranging from minor to very severe should receive between £2,990 and £181,020
  • shoulder injuries: should receive compensation between £2,990 and £58,610 for minor to severe injuries
  • leg injuries: ranging from less serious injuries with quick recovery and extreme cases of amputation can receive between £2,990 and £344,150


Special Damages

Special damages are calculated differently and are based solely on the impact your injuries have had on your life. If you’ve had to make interim payments for private health care to ensure a faster and better recovery following your bike accident, then you shouldn’t have to foot that bill yourself according to personal injury law.

Essentially, the aim of the special damages portion of your compensation is to restore you to the financial position you would have been in if the accident had never occurred.

Can I Claim Back Repair/Replacement Costs?

Yes. If your bicycle was damaged in the accident and you had to pay for repairs or replacement, then you can absolutely claim this back as part of bike accident claims.

Can I Claim Back Lost Income?

Absolutely! This, again, is covered by special damages compensation. If you had to take unpaid time off work due to your injuries, then you’re entitled to that money back as part of your claim.

What Are The Typical Causes Of Bicycle Accidents?

If you’re injured in a cycling accident, then the chances are you’ll have been injured whilst on the road. Given that you can only make accident claims when the accident wasn’t completely your fault, you’ll usually be injured due to the negligence of another road user group, or because of the road surface you were cycling on.

Regardless, cycling accidents can happen in a variety of ways, and we’ll cover just some of them below to give you an idea of what happened to cycling accident claimants before you:


Cyclists can be difficult to see for drivers of cars, buses, lorries, and vans, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t at fault if they’ve not been driving with due care and attention.

Other cyclists before you have claimed compensation for accidents caused by drivers of vehicles who have:

  • passed a cyclist whilst speeding, causing an accident and injuries
  • passing too closely, unsettling the cyclist and causing them to fall
  • driving not in accordance with the Highway Code


You are a vulnerable road user as a cyclist, so if you’ve been injured then no win no fee cycling injury claims are designed to ensure you face no upfront legal costs and can get the compensation you deserve for your injuries.


Pedestrians are another road user group who can be responsible for an accident. All road users owe all other road users a duty of care, regardless of whether you’re behind the wheel of a vehicle or not.

Some ways in which pedestrians have been known to cause a cycling accident on the road in the past are:

  • stepping out without checking into the path of a cyclist, causing avoiding action or a collision
  • failing to use pedestrian crossings
  • walking out between vehicles


There are myriad ways in which a pedestrian can be the sole or partial cause of bike accident claims – working with a specialist cycling accident solicitor can help ensure you get the compensation you deserve.


Though less common than other vehicle/cyclist accidents, we have seen road traffic collisions between cyclists and motorcyclists caused by the rider of the motorbike either in part or in full.

Here are some case examples:

  • cyclist being passed too quickly/closely
  • motorcyclist failing to stop behind a cyclist
  • motorcyclist pulling into the cyclist’s path without checking


You can make a bicycle accident claim if a motorcyclist’s negligence was fully or partly responsible for your accident and subsequent injuries.

Other Cyclists

Believe it or not, other cyclists can also be to blame for your accident and they ought to be held responsible if that’s the case.

You’d be right to expect a certain degree of courtesy from other cyclists given the vulnerable position you’re both in, but accidents can be caused in the following ways:

  • failing to react to cyclist in front
  • passing too closely
  • cycling in an intimidating or dangerous manner


Road Maintenance

Of course, a road user might not be responsible for your accident at all – road conditions are also a huge influencing factor in cycling accidents. The following are common causes:

  • potholes
  • unsafe road conditions
  • roads that haven’t been gritted in icy conditions


Here, you won’t be able to make a claim against a road user because it isn’t someone’s fault, rather it’s the road condition that’s at fault.

You can still make a claim in these scenarios, usually against the local authority or council responsible for the maintenance of the unsafe road that caused your accident and injuries.

When you submit a personal injury claim caused by unsafe road conditions, we’ll help you make a claim against the authority responsible for road maintenance, as clearly they neglected their duty of care, causing the accident and should be held responsible for your injuries and compensation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below we’ll answer common questions regarding bicycle accident claims.

If you’ve clicked on our page today to make a road traffic accident claim against a cyclist who was responsible for your accident and injuries, then good news, we can still help.

The information on this page focuses more on cyclists as victims rather than the responsible party. You can talk to a member of our team now still, or find more guidance on our Road Traffic Accident Claims page if a cyclist caused your injury.

Typically any compensation you receive will be paid out by the responsible party’s insurance company – but what happens if the road user responsible isn’t insured?

That’s where the motor insurers bureau (MIB) comes in. The motor insurers bureau is funded by a percentage of insurance premiums and it’s specifically set up for circumstances where an individual is injured, or their vehicle is damaged, by an uninsured road user or a road user that can’t be found.

Here, you would start your claim with us in exactly the same way, but rather than contacting the responsible party’s insurance company for compensation, we would contact the MIB instead.

There is no average payout for cycling accident claims because every case is different. The best way to find out how much compensation you could be entitled to is to contact our team today. We’ll hear the details of your case and let you know if you have a claim.

The following is a typical example of what the claims process will look like if you work with No Win No Fee Solicitors Co:

  1. Free personal injury claim check
  2. No win no fee agreement put in place – but only if we think you have a claim
  3. If you agree to the terms, we’ll contact the defendant and make them aware of the claim
  4. They will dispute or accept the claim
  5. We’ll ensure the medical evidence you need is in place to help value your claim
  6. Settlement offer will follow and negotiations will begin
  7. If no settlement can be agreed, the case will then go to court

How long cycling claims take varies based on the defendant’s willingness to accept liability for the claim.

If accepted, then the claim could be settled in a few months following negotiations for the compensation amount. If they don’t accept liability and are unwilling to negotiate then the process could take much longer, possibly even years.

With that said, our solicitors know how important it is for claimants to be kept in the loop at all times, so you always know exactly where your claim is up to.