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No Win No Fee Taxi Accident Claims

No-win, No-fee claims

If someone acts in a way that goes against the Highway Code, they could be considered negligent. As a result, if you’re injured, you may be able to claim.

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No Win No Fee Taxi Accident Claims

100% No Win No Fee

If you've been involved in a road traffic accident involving a taxi, then you could be eligible for a taxi accident claim. Here you could claim compensation for any injuries sustained and financial losses incurred as a result of an accident caused by taxi driver negligence.

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As a taxi passenger, you expect to be cared for properly, but you can’t guarantee how safe your taxi driver is on the road, or even how safe other road users are who might be the cause of the accident. In order to make taxi accident claims, you’ll need to prove that somebody else’s negligence was the cause of the accident and your subsequent injuries.

This is much easier as a taxi passenger because your negligence couldn’t have possibly caused the accident as you weren’t behind the wheel. So regardless of whether your taxi driver was responsible, or another road user, you might be able to make a claim.

Below we’ll explore how we can help you with a taxi accident compensation claim, how much compensation you could receive and explore the different causes and frequency of taxi accidents.

taxi passenger
taxi passenger claim
taxi accident
no win no fee accident claim

What Is A Taxi Accident Claim?

Taxi accident claims are part of personal injury law. You’re entitled to make a personal injury claim when you’ve been injured as a result of somebody else’s negligence. That means if you’re involved in a car accident as a taxi passenger you could make a claim for compensation.

With most road traffic accident claims you will be paid by the responsible party’s insurance company, but if that party is uninsured there is still a way for you to receive compensation. We’ll cover how in a later FAQ.

How Common Are Road Traffic Accidents In The UK?

Road traffic accidents in the UK are fairly common. Of course, there’s no data involving taxis specifically, but the sheer number of road traffic collisions in the UK each year is enough to give you an idea about how many accident claims we process and handle here at No Win No Fee Solicitors Co.

The most recent figures from the UK government looking at road traffic collisions covering a one year period up until June 2023 suggest:

  • 133,443 total traffic collisions
  • 1,633 total fatalities on the road


Those figures show just how common traffic accidents are in the UK, so more people make a taxi accident claim than you would perhaps first think, since taxis are on the road so often, and accidents are so common.

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We offer a free consultation to anyone looking to make a claim

No win, no fee

If your case or cases have no financial payout to you, you don’t pay a single penny

Claim experts

We use solicitors who have handled thousands of claims

Road User Groups Involved In Taxi Accidents

If you’ve been involved in a taxi accident, then the responsible party will be one of the following key road users:


Vehicles, including cars, lorries, buses, and taxis can all be involved in road traffic accidents. The drivers of those vehicles could also be held accountable as the responsible party for the accident and any subsequent injuries or financial losses you’ve experienced.

Remember, you can make a taxi accident claim today if you’ve been injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault as a passenger in a taxi or as another road user by a taxi driver’s negligence.

Drivers can be responsible for your accident in a variety of different ways, including:

  • failing to stop and crashing into the back of your vehicle as a passenger in a taxi
  • speeding and driving dangerously, causing an accident
  • carrying out risky manoeuvres on the road


If you can prove the accident was not your fault (it’s unlikely to ever be your fault as a taxi passenger), then you might be able to claim compensation.


If you’re a passenger in a taxi, then the accident may not have been your taxi driver’s fault, or another driver’s at all. Pedestrians can be a key cause of road traffic accidents in a number of ways:

  • walking out into the road without checking
  • ignoring pedestrian crossing lights
  • failing to use the road with care


Where pedestrians act in an irresponsible manner, causing an accident, you could claim taxi accident compensation if you suffer injuries in the collision.


Cyclists have a duty of care to other road users to ensure they don’t cause accidents or injuries to others, so if a cyclist is responsible for your taxi accident as a passenger, then you could claim compensation.

Cyclists could be responsible for your accident if they:

  • swerved into your taxi’s path, causing an accident
  • failed to follow traffic signals correctly
  • didn’t signal when turning


Taxi drivers can only respond to the road before them. Sometimes that involves swerving out of the way of cyclists and accidentally crashing and causing injuries to you as the passenger. Here, the cyclist is at fault, not your taxi driver.


Taxi accident compensation claims can also be caused by motorcyclists. Often we think of motorcycle riders as one of the most vulnerable road user groups, and they are, but sometimes certain motorcyclists can actually be the cause of accidents, rather than the victim of them.

In cases where motorcyclists are responsible for taxi passenger accident claims, it can be because of an array of reasons, but some include:

  • ignoring traffic light signals
  • swerving into other lanes
  • speeding
taxi accident claims

Am I Eligible For A Taxi Accident Claim?

Claiming taxi accident compensation requires certain criteria to be met:

  1. Prove that the party responsible owed you a duty of care
  2. Prove that they breached that duty of care and caused an accident
  3. Prove that the accident was responsible for, or contributed to, your injuries or condition


Let’s explore how each can be proven below:


If you’re a passenger in a taxi and an accident occurs because of your taxi driver’s negligence, then clearly they owe you a duty of care.

But even if the accident was caused by another road user, they still owe you a duty of care under The Highway Code and Road Traffic Act 1988.

Proving that you were owed a duty of care is easy here.


Proving a breach is usually done with evidence showing that your version of events (somebody else besides you was at fault for the accident) is true. This can be through:

  • photographs of the scene following the accident
  • cctv/dashcam footage of the accident happening
  • witness reports from key witnesses that can explain how the accident happened
  • police reports which can act as independent witnesses and fact gathering devices after an accident


The taxi accident claims process will be made much quicker if you have evidence that supports your version of events.


If you’ve required medical treatment following an accident, then your medical records will usually be all the proof you need that the taxi accident directly caused or contributed to any injuries or conditions you suffered from.

police report taxi crash

How Do I Know Who Is Responsible For The Taxi Accident?

Being the passenger in a taxi can make finding who was responsible for the accident a little more difficult, as you might not have been paying attention at the time of the accident. If that’s the case, the best thing to do is request the police report of the incident and speak to any witnesses at the scene, but only after seeking medical attention.

You can find out a lot from hearing from independent witnesses who weren’t involved in the accident, as they will likely have an unbiased opinion and so are more likely to be telling the truth.

Typically, when you’re involved in a taxi accident, the cause of the accident will need to be determined for the relevant insurance companies to cover the costs where appropriate. That means the truth will always be found in incidents like these, so you will find out who was responsible even if it takes time.

As soon as you know who the responsible party is for your injuries, you can make a claim against them using our expert team.

How Much Could I Receive In Compensation?

Where there’s been an accident on the road, people often look for average payouts to give them a good idea about how much they can expect in compensation. But the truth is, there’s no such thing as an average payout for road traffic accident compensation claims.

Instead, there are only guidelines, specifically the Judicial College Guidelines. That’s because each claim is unique. Let’s look at how compensation is calculated in more detail.

What Are The Judicial College Guidelines?

There are two types of damage that you can claim compensation for.

The first is general damages – this covers the compensation for your actual injury, and it’s based on the nature and severity of your injuries. Whilst no amount of financial compensation can realistically compensate you for your injuries, especially if they are lifelong, there are guidelines available to try to keep this fair across similar cases, despite each case being unique. These guidelines are the Judicial College Guidelines (17th edition).

The second is special damages – we’ll discuss this more below but essentially these damages are related to your financial losses and compensation here focuses on reinstating you to the financial position you were in before the accident.

The Judicial College Guidelines inform our injury calculator below.

Total amount for one or more whiplash injuries: 0.00

How Much Compensation Can I Receive For General Damages?

Taking the guidance from the Judicial College Guidelines (17th edition), we’ve listed some examples of how much you could receive depending on injury type and severity:

  • Brain damage injuries ranging from minor to severe can see compensation amounts starting from £2,690 up to £493,000
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) – which can be minor to severe – could receive compensation between £4,820 and £122,850
  • Severe neck injuries can receive between £55,000 and £181,020
  • Severe back injuries can receive between £47,320 and £196,450
  • Wrist injuries ranging from quick to recover to more long lasting injuries can be compensated between £4,310 and £73,050

How Much Could I Receive For Special Damages?

If you were a passenger in the taxi at the time of the accident then the financial losses you will have possibly faced are:

  • lost earnings due to unpaid time off work
  • paying for public transport to and from hospital appointments


If you were another road user injured in an accident caused by a taxi driver, then you might additionally be able to claim for:

  • repair costs for your damaged vehicle
  • replacement costs for your damaged vehicle

Why Work With No Win No Fee Solicitors Co?

We offer a completely free claim check, where we’ll gather information from you about the nature of your claim and let you know if you could take legal action against the responsible party for your injuries. If not, then there’s no charge.

If there is a chance of a successful claim (we’ll only take on those claims we think are viable) then we will talk with you about the percentage fee our solicitors will take in the event of a successful claim where you receive compensation.

We work on a strictly no win no fee basis, so if your claim isn’t successful, you won’t pay a penny towards any legal fees. You will only pay if you receive compensation – and there are zero hidden fees involved. We let you know upfront the exact percentage of the compensation we will take for our work, and then you’ll receive the rest of the compensation, so you never pay out of your own pocket for our work in presenting the case.

This allows more people to access legal help following an accident that wasn’t their fault.

Frequently asked questions

Below we’ll answer common questions regarding taxi accident claims.

There is, thankfully, a structure that claims of this nature typically follow:

  • We’ll review your case to see if you’re eligible, have the right evidence, and have a high chance of success – all completely free of charge.
  • Next we’ll share with you our percentage and fees in the event that you win – we operate on a strictly no win no fee basis.
  • If you’re happy to proceed, we’ll contact the defendant and present the allegations and case against them.
  • The defendant can then investigate the claims themselves, disputing the facts where possible. They may also choose to accept liability for your accident.
  • We’ll work to get your medical records to help prove how your injuries were caused. This evidence will detail the severity of your injury, too, and detail how long it might take for you to recover from it, if at all. This will help with calculating the value of your case.
  • An offer of settlement may then follow – and negotiations might begin.
  • If the claim can’t be settled outside of court then it may be issued in court, starting a legal process where the case will be taken to trial to be determined by a judge. It’s always ideal to avoid this where possible for a faster resolution, but sometimes it’s necessary.

Where claims are settled outside of court, the claims process can take anywhere from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, depending on how keen the defendant is to settle the case.

Sometimes the defendant will dispute their liability, and where this happens, the case may go to court. At this point, you should expect the claim to take much longer, potentially even years.

If your taxi driver is responsible for the accident, then they ought to be insured. However, not all road users are required to be insured – cyclists and pedestrians specifically.

If these road user groups, or uninsured drivers breaking the law, are responsible for your accident, then you won’t be able to claim compensation through their insurance company as is typical.

Instead, you can make a claim through the Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB). This is funded by a percentage of insurance premiums paid by insured drivers specifically to support road users injured (and who suffer damages) as a result of uninsured road users.

Here we would seek compensation through the MIB, rather than through an insurance company on your behalf.